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Women's Equality


women’s equality

August 26th marks 100 years since women secured the right to vote. But there’s still work to be done. Here’s our round-up of the female voices leading the charge. Prepare to be inspired!

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Some say hindsight is 2020. We say 2020 has been eye-opening. A global pandemic, murder hornets, dust clouds, extreme political division, egregious imbalances, social unrest...and it’s only August.

This month marks one hundred years since women secured the right to vote, with the passing of the 19th Amendment. Women’s Equality Day (August 26th) is a day both to celebrate this victory, and to highlight the continued struggle towards full equality. There’s still more work to be done. Did you know that in 44 states insurance companies use gender to determine a driver’s car insurance rate? (Guess which gender pays more...) Or that the average salary for men is roughly 19% higher than for women (and 25% higher than women of color)?

Historically (and personally) speaking, change is difficult and best served with a side of inspiration. So, with that in mind, we are championing the very best and brightest voices to guide your way. We say strong women with a view are always in style.



We should all be feminists 
Tiny book. Big ideas. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie explores what it means to be a women in the twenty-first century.

Gross Anatomy: A Field Guide to Loving Your Body, Warts and All
Sweat, body hair, cleavage… Mara Altman is asking all the right questions. 

Shortchanged: Why Women Have Less Wealth And What Can Be Done About It 
Raise your hand if you would like to know why women have less wealth? Mariko Lin Chang will explain and share solutions for increasing your financial situation.

Men Explain Things to Me
A pre-mansplaining, Rebecca Solnit penned her critique on male arrogance. 

My Own Words
The woman, the myth, the legend. The Notorious RBG. Need we say more?



Encyclopedia Womannica
Not your average high school history class. Spoiler alert – women were there too.

With the tag line, “stay curious. Build empathy. Raise Hell.” What’s not to love?

The High Low
The perfect mix of high to low brow. Brits Dolly Alderton and Pandora Sykes deliver a blend of water-cooler gossip and hard-hitting journalism. 

Dare I Say
Conversations with the most influential women of our time. And yes, we dare you.

Women Rule
Boss ladies sharing their secrets – the key to success and the journey to achieve it.



Alice Walker
As the first African-American woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for fiction (The Color Purple, 1982), this 76-year-old is still an engaged social activist fighting for change.

Sheryl Sandberg
The COO of Facebook wrote in her 2013 debut book Lean In, “a truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes”. Check out leanin.org and join a virtual community designed to support, connect and inform.

Malala Yousafzai
She is 23, the youngest Nobel Prize laureate, survived a murder attempt and continues to be a fierce advocate for female education. 

Tarana Burke
Every wondered who started the Me Too Movement? It was Tarana and she wants us all to break the silence and stand up for ourselves.

Amanda Nguye 
CEO and Founder of Rise, Amanda works hard to effect policy, champions for us to rise up and change the world. Oh, and she’s training to become an astronaut.



Jameela Jamil
She calls herself a feminist-in-progress and we cannot get enough of her @i_weigh movement.

Female Founder Collective
A community where women are celebrated, encouraged, and inspired. Scroll, double-tap, repeat. 

Rupi Kaur
Poet, photographer, artist. A true triple ‘threat’.

Ignite passion. Take action. Yes, please. We just got chills.

Gloria Steinem
A woman who needs no explanation.



The first mobile app to find women-owned business near you. There are 11 million of them – go find them!

Daily Worth 
A judgment-free zone for all things financial.

Founded by Katherine Ryder, Maven bills itself as ‘a new type of healthcare company that puts women and modern families at the center.’ Their high-tech platform offers affordable access to medical professionals.

Female Founder Collective 
Designer, Rebecca Minkoff, has fashioned another hit - a platform of businesses led by women, supporting women. Their mission is to empower women-owned businesses to positively impact our communities. 

Hey Mama Co 
A community to connect working moms. They know the juggle is real and are here to help.


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