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8 Things Making Us Happy Right Now


8 Things Making Us Happy Right Now

What’s the saying? Happiness is a state of mind? You’re not alone if the happy thoughts are requiring a little more effort lately. So, in the spirit of World Smile Day, we’re sharing all the things currently tickling our fancy. Queue your happy dance!



It’s scientifically proven that meditation releases all the feel-good chemicals but, while we love a buckwheat pillow as much as the next girl, sometimes we crave an alternative. Enter the Pinot/puzzle combo (bear with us). This puzzle helps strengthen self-confidence, while this delicious wine releases serotonin and dopamine into the brain. Worried about a hangover? Just use this magic wand to remove any histamines and sulfites from your glass and let the zen times roll. Cheers! 


2. Asking + Receiving

It has been a year of reassessing priorities and we’ve learnt that cultivating the world we want into being on a daily basis is something to smile about. Recently, we’ve been pulling from the Inner Compass Card deck when looking for guidance and direction (note: multiple times a day is totally acceptable). Ask and ye shall receive. Like astrology and tarot, this deck of oracle cards requires the user to have a little faith and a lot of intuition. Perhaps you just want to dip your toe into the divine realm, we suggest you dabbling in dream decoding. It will improve self-awareness and unlock your unconscious mind.


3. Sleeping 

Naps, sleeping in like a teenager, sleeping like a baby (or actually sleeping like your husband); these are a few of our favorite things. The math is simple. More sleep = happier human. People who sleep more wake up happier. Do you know how we achieve maximum sleep happiness? With silk. Silk is our secret. Slip on a silk sleep eye mask, slide into silk pjs and catch those zzzz’s on a silk pillowcase. Sleep tight!


4. Connecting

Humans connections serve the mind, body and soul. Sadly, they’ve been particularly hard to come by in the time of Corona. We’ve been missing long hugs, dancing at crowded concerts and even handshakes. The physical touch is still a tough one but we found something almost as good - the Instagram account Humans of NY. It’s real, its raw, it’s powerful, it’s human. When a friend or a stranger shares a truth, it brings us all closer. We aren’t alone anymore and that is definitely something to smile about.


5. Listening

The Good News Podcast – a much needed reminder that not all news is bad. Each episode is short, sweet and smile-inducing. We get it if 2020 has left you having an adverse reaction to anything including the word “news” so if that’s you just restore your sense of balance with this gorgeous daily ritual. You’re welcome.


6. Aging gracefully 

Self-care is always in style and currently these beauty products are giving us the warm and fuzzies. Be the Queen of Quarantine with the Empress Stone. We use it on our face and neck to shift stagnant energy, sculpt and erase fine lines. We’re also huge fans of Sakara’s Beauty Water. A couple of dropperfuls is enough to up your hydration game and transform you from the inside out.


7. Learning a skill 

Finished Netflix? Yup, us too. But don’t panic. Make the most of your time and add a skill to your arsenal. We are dying to join Lingua Franca’s virtual workshop and learn to embroider our own cult sweater. While we love the Touch Up My Appearance setting on Zoom, sometimes a gal needs more help. Cue Bobbi Brown. Her masterclass is way better than any filter, and reminds us that beauty is not about unattainable perfection.


8. (Feel Good) Reading

Haemin Sunim (aka the Twitter Monk) is a Buddhist teacher, founder of the School of Broken Hearts and a writer. His books are simple, soul-stirring and satisfying. Grab a copy of his wonderful The Things You Only See When You Slow Down and learn the art of calm. Altogether now…BREATHE.

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I want to organize my home but I need help getting motivated!


Q: Five months into the pandemic, can you help me get motivated?

A: Consider us your virtual cheerleaders. These simple mindset shifts will change the way you organize


We know. We’re not used to spending this much time at home either. At first it was a novelty, but fast-forward five months and there’s Nowhere. To. Hide. You kick each week off determined to whip your home into shape, only to find things sliding back to normal by hump day. The key is to identify your organizing style and build a system around it. Break it down into manageable goals. Rather than ‘I want to organize my house’, which feels vague and unwieldy, switch it to: ‘I will create a system that makes my pantry work’. Take it a room at a time. Make it specific. Ready? Let's go!



I vow...to create space

Skip this step at your peril. Take one room at a time and make a ruthless choice to trash/donate/consign all the things you don't need. Some people advise starting small with an easy-to-tackle spot in your room. We say: go big or go home. Once you’ve nailed the space that makes you scream, the rest of the house will seem like small fry. Need some inspo? Look at the photograph above. Our client was struggling to part with her excess clothes, so we pulled out a third of her closet. She was blown away by the result. Not only was there space for her clothes to breathe, it was much easier to create outfits because everything was visible. She vowed to adopt the ‘one in one out’ rule and remove one item from her wardrobe any time she was adding to it. Remember, sometimes you need a visual kickstart. Also remember: space is your friend.



I vow...to transform my entryway

There’s a reason we spend time getting clients’ entry points right. The way you enter your home sets the tone for the rest of the house. If your entryway is a car-crash of coats, shoes, bags and other paraphernalia, then shoot this zone to the top of your to-do list. Design a drop zone that works for you. Short on space? Your system could be as simple as a standalone coat rack or hooks behind a door. Got drawers? Invest in some dividers. Finally, adopt our ‘60-second rule’. When you arrive home, spend 60 seconds putting things in their place. Not only does it clear your head but it makes it easier to leave the house, too.



I vow...to make the


Yes, we’ll share our decluttering secrets, cheerlead the hell out of you, and help you design a system that works. But maintaining your system? That’s up to you. Be honest with yourself. If you truly want a home that works hard - a home that looks and feel great - then repeat after us: I will make the effort. There are no shortcuts. Once the system is in place, STICK TO IT. Did you know that 80% of cleaning is picking stuff up and putting it away? Utter madness. Tidy a room before you leave it. Return items to their place. Don’t leave a mess to fester. Get into the habit of doing it as you go along. Trust us, the pay-off is worth it.



I vow...to live smart

Organizing your home shouldn’t break the bank. We love to repurpose (we call it our Shop My Home technique!) We’ve used everything from vintage hampers to upcycled shoe boxes. It doesn’t have to be expensive to work. Also, actually use what you have. Finish the last inch of toothpaste, the last drops of olive oil, the last roll of kitchen paper. Don’t buy multiples of things. You’ll waste less, consume less, and bring less clutter into your home. Finally, adopt the one-in-one-out rule. Make a pact with yourself to donate/consign an item each time you buy something new. This will be EXCRUCIATING in the beginning. But once the habit is formed, you’ll wonder what took you so long. Keep a container handy in each zone for items to purge. Then do it (this is very important).



I vow...to make it pretty

One of our best-kept secrets? We make a visual statement with the way we organize. We color-code. We use stylish storage. We go the extra mile. Why? There are real psychological benefits to maintaining this kind of visual order. Dr. Sally Augustin, PhD, an environmental psychologist says it’s possible that an organized and visually stimulating space can make its owner feel calmer and less stressed. She says: “Bring the complexity in your refrigerator down to a moderate level, and when you open the door, you would have a positive response.” That positive response means you’re more likely to keep it that way. Amen to that!

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